from Deb Tucker. She has come up with a really easy,
fun way to make Hunter's Star blocks and some
amazing ways to arrange them. Click here for her web
site. She is a great teacher and made the class fun.
Notice I have said fun alot (well two times). If you ever
get a chance to take one of ther classes I highly
recommend her.

friend Debi on the left. (We'll be going on retreat together
in a few weeks, in 11 days exactly-although Debi is going
this weekend too).
Anyway, Deb Tucker brought lots of her quilts for
inspiration and boy was I inspired. I love her tool and
plan on making more Hunter's Star quilts. I also thought
her Tucker Trimmer tool looked interesting too. One
thing at a time though-yeah right!
I had finished a few projects and was (was being the
key word here!) at a point to decide what to work on
next. Well, that is a dangerous place to be girls. I now
have at least five projects started. That means the fabric
is bought, washed, ironed, sorted and designated with
a pattern. Some are just in a pile, some are cut out,
some are half sewn and ...well that's enough huh?!!!
So I am amidst chaos and I am HAPPY!
Now I need your opinion. I really can't decide which layout
I like best for my brown and cream Hunter's Star . I only
have half the blocks sewn and they are just laid out
roughly on my design wall so please use your
imagination. Which one do you like best?

ones here on her web site.
Tomorrow I'll talk about our fabulous Quilt Bingo
we had yesterday.
Until next time...
Well I am going to be no help to you at all. I am a big fan of the traditional Hunter's Star layout and have made one and would like to make more. I did not know about Deb, or her special tool and will have to check that out. That said, I think the optional layout you are making is fabulous too - maybe you should just make them both?
I'll tell you again, I like version 2. I'm making the traditional and I like it especially because it's in only two colors (AND I've run out of fabric - will I never learn?) but I think your scrappy brown begs for the alternate setting.
You couldn't have taken a worse picture of me!
Version 2. You are SOOOO not the traditional kinda gal. heehee I still need to cut up and trim my blocks, but in my case I am doing the traditional layout. =^..^=
Well, hon, I think the traditional layout has a real Maryland feel to it, but the alternative layout is fabulous. This pattern and tool could be addictive, I'm thinking of trying several versions in red white and blue for soldier quilts.
#2 gets my vote ..... it is so different!
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