Our guild has been blessed with some mighty fine program chairs the past few years. It wasn't always the case though. I think that program chair is one of the hardest jobs in the guild. We have been on a roll and the last two program chairs set the bar high. Their enthusiasm has held because now we have Wendy! She came up with a great idea to make a quilt for our Quilt Bingo in October. Everyone makes two rows 60.5" wide for a row quilt. One set will be used for the quilt bingo and the others will be won by a lucky participant who made a row. The theme is fall colors. We have seen some of the rows already and this quilt is gonna be good. I have always liked row quilts and would love to win this one (even before it is revealed). I did these over the weekend.

Enthusiasm is contagious!
Until next time...
Beautiful work, Susie! I'd love to see all of the rows together!
2 post in a row! (Kind of fits the row quilt theme.)
Very pretty rows - you are going to make someone sooooooo happy to receive these.
I love your choice of fall colors. Glad someone can applique, that's not one of my tricks.
Such lovely applique! I love the enthusiasm and excitement of the guild nights!
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