This cute little thing (about 16" x 13") was made by a guild member and
I bid on it and won it in our silent auction at last year's quilt show.
It hangs on the door of my sewing room.
Now, I have done paper piecing before and I gotta tell you, I am not that
crazy about it, but I certainly do appreciate all these little pieces .
Tomorrow, my wonderful husband, Jim, and I will celebrate our 33rd
wedding anniversary. We will probably just go to dinner and a movie.
Sorta like a date!
Another thing I love about our anniversary is that means that Fall is
here!!! I love Fall. So this weekend I will get my fall stuff out.
Stay tuned for pics next week.
I have a busy month coming up. Saturday is a sew day sponsored
by my guild at the library. Then October 14 is our QUILT BINGO.
On the 19th my bee is going to a retreat for 4 days. (I am so excited
I can hardly stand it!) Part of the fun is in the planning.
And the very next weekend on the 27th is a square-in-a-square
I have some Christmas gifts to finish and another wedding quilt
to start so I hereby declare October to be QUILT MONTH!!!
Until next time...