Well, I think I have probably lost all my readers. So I am going to pretend that I am starting my blog over...with all the anticipation and enthusiasm I had when I first began.
Yes I have a new header. I saw Nicole's new header at
Sisters Choice, and loved her blue log cabin blocks. Soooooo...
...while I was home... literally home for five days... as in, I didn't go out of my house... I have been physically and mentally organizing my quilting world. Oh, and I also undecorated my house, cooked some scrumptious meals, cleaned just a little, slept late, read, and of course sewed.

I teased you with the idea for our bee gift exchange, so I want to show you some of the creative ways we keep our gifts to under $3. Georgia embroidered this cute scissor holder. I have my full size pair of Ginghers in it. This will definitely keep my husband from cutting his odor eaters (new ones thank goodness). True story!!!

Loretto made this cute cup/bottle holder with a bee and our initials embroidered on it. I will be using this often to keep my water bottle from sweating all over my purse.

And this is what I made for everyone. I cut up my old quilt calendars and made stationery. There are different sizes of blank note cards with envelopes as well as some tiny gift tags. I also printed out some address labels (see upper left).
Until next time...
The key to getting readers and keeping them is to blog EVERY DAY! Try it, you'll like it! I've missed reading you. I love, love, love the gift ideas. I wonder if Georgia would make those holders for money. And I love your stationary idea. Off to find an old quilt calendar.....
All very nice ideas. That was so clever to make cards out of your old Quilt calendars. I wish now I had not thrown my away this weekend when I cleaned out my sewing room!
The quilt calendar idea is a great one. I saved my Christmas cards this year to make gift tags for next year, so this would be another great recycle idea.
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